Thursday, July 09, 2009


Got up to the track for the Wednesday Timed Events last night. No fixed gear bike, so I rode my road bike. The key to doing a good pursuit on a road bike is to pick a gear, and ride it. Shifting just screws up your rhythm which is critical in a pursuit. I opted to do a 2K and 3K. The events were run 1-up rather than pursuit style, since they could only manage 1 timing strip. Conditions were less than ideal, with a brisk ESE wind.

2km pursuit:
Chose the 54x15, or 96 inch gear. I made the common mistake of going out too hard, and the gear was on the small side for me. I rode a 2:37 for an avg speed of 28.5mph.

3km pursuit:
Decided to move up to the 54x14, or 103 inch gear. That's a large gear for a pursuit. I started more sensibly, and held a fairly steady rhythm throughout. I rode a 3:52 for an avg speed of 28.9mph.

While waiting to ride at the track, most people ride their trainers while they chat away. Carla was with me too. I must have been on the trainer for nearly 2 hours.


tman said...


I know you said "road bike" but did you use your TT or your RR bike in the pursuit?

JimmerC said...

TT bike.